AGL Resources
AGL Resources was a client during my tenure as Senior Designer at Thinkhouse Creative in Atlanta, Georgia. It was acquired by The Southern Company in 2016 and now operates as Southern Company Gas, the nation’s largest natural gas-only distribution company.
Shortly after assuming the top spot at AGL Resources, the CEO wanted to signal to investors and analysts that the company was no run-of-the-mill gas utility—and that she wasn’t going to run it like one.
My Thinkhouse colleagues and I worked with the CEO and investor relations team to craft message pillars that were as vibrant, relentlessly future-focused, and unconventional as the chief executive herself. I translated these into an annual report to shareholders that abandoned typical utility-company report formats, starting with a die-cut and perforated metallic silver cover that clearly proclaimed: we are the ones who are navigating to the unrealized value in this market.
As a teaser, I designed an invitation to the analyst conference held three months before the annual report was published. It used the “here” concept with a twist: when unfolded, one side of the invitation, titled here, listed the event location, date, time, and other logistical details; the opposite side, labeled hear, detailed the topics to be discussed.
The first report was so successful that we were retained for the remaining three years of the CEO’s tenure. Two of the three annual reports to which I contributed are shown here.
My contributions: Concept, design, copywriting, photo shoot art direction, production (2001); concept, copywriting, production (2003).